A wistful and frank article in a respectable German newspaper, on what the authors referred to as “the world’s oldest profession”, set the Cranky Philosopher’s imagination alight. The article was written as a tribute to the “Welthurentag”, celebrated on 2 June in memory of a momentous protest against the exploitationContinue Reading

Monkey raised with cat

Our cover image sports a monkey, possibly of the species Chlorocebus pygerythrus, which was raised with cats. It is claimed to exhibit peculiar behaviour by trying to feed a cat with bananas. How peculiar is this really? Consider that monkeys of the species homo sapiens, who have been raised withContinue Reading

Child holding world in her hands

We need a unified VISION for energy and water supply. The need for a vision arises, if nothing else, from “Gaia” suffering a clearly evident immediate circulation problem (water circulation) and slowly choking to death due to long-term reducing levels of carbon dioxide. The long-term tendency is not the sameContinue Reading

Animation of planets orbiting sun

A word of caution: This research paper was written by a toddler in astrology and its findings should on no account be taken seriously by bearers of the various sun signs mentioned herein. Said toddler had noted that Saturn in his third house meant a constrained breadth of understanding ofContinue Reading