Biodiversity Conservationist and Natural Philosopher; b. 27 Dec. 1951, d. 27 July 2019

  • Specialist Scientist: Systems Ecology at SANParks, Knysna, Western Cape, South Africa
  • Honorary Research Associate, Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town
  • Google Scholar page

After a career of over four decades in the service of the protection of natural species diversity (Biodiversity Conservation) in South Africa, Dr Armin Hans-Wilfried Seydack passed away on 27 July 2019. He spent his last years after retirement on researching and writing a scientific manuscript on the question of the rise and fall of civilisations. His novel approach was to apply his vast knowledge and experience in a field that humans regard as merely their environment, to humans as a natural part of that environment. He left as his legacy a manuscript, of which he realised in his last days that he would not be able to finish it. His hope and confidence was that others would take up where he had to leave off, and take the quest on which he had embarked to completion and social adoption.

A PDF certified copy of his manuscript “Rise and Fall of Civilizations – Is Europe Doomed” (723 pp., 4.3 MB) can be downloaded here. Being a scientific document, authenticity is important. His manuscript has not been altered in any way, other than to format it for conversion from Word to a protected PDF document. Dr Seydack wished this document to be freely available to the public, including the free distribution thereof, subject to the conditions set out in the document. Should you have obtained a copy of the document, the authenticity of which you regard as dubious, you may obtain an authentic copy on this page.

The document is certified with an Adobe Acrobat self-signed certificate. To verify, open the PDF document in the free Adobe Acrobat DC viewer (third-party viewers might not implement the Adobe certification features), where you can view the certificate (how?).

An edited version of the document, incorporating translations of the remaining German text in the original document, is available on Amazon, in Kindle book and hardcopy formats.

© The Cranky Philosopher 2025